OS 2 Drawer Lateral File


Are you having trouble organizing your important documents and files? Although you sort them out, you may still find it a difficult task to locate them later. If this scenario sounds familiar, you should invest in this two drawer lateral file from OfficeSource. With its two large drawers, this file cabinet offers sufficient space for accommodating the piles of important files that need sorted and organized. This cabinet comes complete with an interlock system, preventing the chances of tipping. The heavy duty design with a full pull drawer system adds sophistication to this essential piece of office furniture. Crafted with high quality material, this sturdy two drawer lateral file is highly durable and will serve you for years to come.

Additional Info
  • Sleek and stylish
  • Robustness and durability
  • Affordable Rate
  • Appropriate storage capacity

Overall Width: 35-1/2 ”
Overall Depth: 19-3/4 ”
Overall Height: 27-3/4 ”

Please note: Colors shown are representation only.

Please contact us for most up to date availability 978-342-3366


Free Shipping
*Ships ready to assemble*

Items that are too large or heavy for the small package carriers may be delivered by a carrier equipped to handle larger packages such as ABF, YRC, XPO, etc. Drivers are not required to remove the product from the truck and may need assistance to complete the delivery.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns about shipping method